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Looming U.S. Investment Restrictions On China Threaten Diplomatic Outreach

Any such restrictions are expected to anger Beijing and will be the first test of the new channels of communication that the world’s two largest economies are trying to restore.
Read by 57% of LPs July 11, 2023

Deep Tech In Latin America, Caribbean Is Set To Skyrocket

While the prospect of new factories and more jobs is good news for Mexico, the country and its Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) peers can harbor higher hopes when it comes to deep tech.
Read by 72% of LPs July 05, 2023

Foreign Investors Seem Way More Allocated To Private Equity Markets: India

Over the last 20 years, India received foreign inflows of over $400 billion in private markets (private equity, venture capital, infrastructure, real estate).The cumulative net investments in public markets (public equity and fixed income) for the same period is about $250 billion.
Read by 32% of LPs June 29, 2023

Investing In Space: India Is A Sleeping Giant

Russia is steadily fading away as a space superpower, with the sector increasingly a two-horse geopolitical race between the U.S. and China. Could India fill the Russia-sized void?
Read by 65% of LPs June 26, 2023

Amazon Raises Investment In India To $26B By 2030

Amazon said it will take its investments in India to $26 billion by 2030, adding $6.5 billion in new planned investments in an announcement made.
Read by 75% of LPs June 19, 2023

Predictions For Startup Ecosystem In Second Half Of 2023: India

Globally, most advanced larger nations are expected to see low growth in 2023 and this is impacting sentiment seen noticeably in the funding pace and quantum slowdown.
Read by 35% of LPs June 19, 2023

Interest In Japan Spilling Into Its Startups

Renewed overseas investor interest in Japan may help the country’s overlooked startups defy a global venture capital slump, according to early-stage investor James Riney.
Read by 66% of LPs June 15, 2023

Investors Eye China's Neighbors As Recovery From ‘Zero-Covid’ Slows

China's lackluster economic recovery since emerging from strict "zero-Covid" lockdowns has caused weaker sentiment toward the country, prompting investors to look for alternative options — like its near neighbors.
Read by 72% of LPs June 14, 2023

The Coming of Age of The Global Space Economy

Despite a severe downturn in global investment last year, the commercial space sector is enjoying a new phase of innovation based on the maturing of first-generation disruptive technologies such as reusable launch vehicles and low-cost satellites.
Read by 63% of LPs June 08, 2023

Institutional Investment In Israeli Startups Dropped By 54%

The direct investments of Israeli institutional bodies in startup companies dropped by 54% in 2022, amounting to half a billion dollars.
Read by 79% of LPs