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Peru’s Startup Scene Is Ready For More

While most of this capital has been directed toward Brazil and Mexico, this surge is starting to have an effect on startups in the region’s smaller markets.
Read by 36% of LPs September 03, 2019

Why Brazil’s Tech Scene Is One To Watch

With talented entrepreneurs, maturity of capital, and liquidity in the market, Brazil’s tech scene is heating up and looks like it’s here to stay.
Read by 62% of LPs July 30, 2019

Investors Ready For More Goodies Out Of Brazil

Brazil's currency, equities in its biggest corporations and its bond prices will see stronger pricing as U.S. investors continue liking Brazil.
Read by 73% of LPs May 28, 2019

Hedge-Fund Titan Sees Brazil In 'Gray Zone' Even With Reform

Brazil’s plan to overhaul its pension system has become a make-or-break issue for markets, which rally on signs of the bill’s progress and sink on its setbacks.
Read by 43% of LPs November 24, 2018

Brazil Could Look Like India In Next 10 Years

Latin America's largest economy might follow India's path, seeing an accelerated, consistent pace of growth.
Read by 40% of LPs November 07, 2018

Temasek Backing Monashees, Brazil’s Biggest VC

Singapore state investor Temasek Holdings has invested in the $150 million early-stage venture capital fund raised by Monashees, the biggest VC firm in Brazil, focused on backing tech startups in Latin America.
Read by 63% of LPs October 16, 2018

Brazil's Hedge Fund Boom Raises Fund Concentration Risk

Money has been pouring into Brazil’s hedge fund market over the past couple of years, but concerns are rising over just how concentrated these flows are among a few key players and their potential market impact.
Read by 74% of LPs

August 25, 2017

10 Most Important Reads Of The Week - Aug 25, 2017

It has been an eventful week, and it's easy to fall behind. Here are the 10 most important reads of the week.
Read by 33% of LPs May 31, 2017

This New VC Fund Is Bullish On Politically Turbulent Brazil

The Latin American venture capital firm Kaszek Ventures has raised a $200 million fund, its largest, a major vote of confidence for internet start-ups in Brazil amid the political upheaval there. 
Read by 42% of LPs May 18, 2017

U.S. Hedge Funds Took Profits Out Of Brazil In The First Quarter

U.S. hedge funds reduced equity holdings tied to Brazil by about a net total of $800 million from the start of the year to end of March, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The profit taking came after a 69 percent surge in Brazil’s benchmark stock index last year. The pullback from Brazil seemed well timed Thursday, as the Ibovespa gauge plunged 16 percent in dollar terms amid a rout in the country’s assets as a political crisis enveloped President Michel Temer and threatened to derail his push to shore up government finances. Oil producer Petroleo Brasileiro SA and lender Banco do...
Read by 53% of LPs