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15th Annual Corporate Venturing & Innovation Partnering

Newport Beach, CA

February 2013
12:00PM - 8:00PM Wednesday
Conference Overview: This annual event provides corporate investors with strategies to gain a competitive advantage through corporate venturing and innovation initiatives. Capturing innovation is at the top of the corporate agenda for global growth and an important lever to increase profitability and market share. Corporate venturing is a vehicle used by corporations to capture innovation, provide a window for acquisitions and an opportunity for strategic partnerships. Audience Profile: This flagship conference unites 300+ C-level innovation officers, technology officers, information officers, and strategy officers. Additionally, the event unties corporate venturing investors, senior level corporate development executives, corporate M&A professionals, corporate new business development executives, venture capitalists, private equity investors, institutional investors, investment bankers, analysts, technology transfer experts, licensing executives, corporate counsel, CTOs, CIOs, CEOs and CFOs of emerging growth companies.