How Corporate Governance has Affected Asia's Real Estate Market

Real Estate
by trusted insight posted 10years ago 589 views
Corporate Governance Report interviews CapitaLand CFO Arthur Lang on the impact of corporate governance on Asia's real estate industry and investment. Corporate governance is a major issue when it comes to Asia's real estate industry. It has become increasingly important for companies operating within the sector to monitor and refine their processes, to reduce the chances of corruption and fraud, and maintain the trust of stakeholders. Corporate Governance Report spoke to Arthur Lang, CFO of CapitaLand -- one of Asia's largest real estate companies -- to find out about their culture of compliance, and the challenges they face expanding their services in developing countries. For a full transcript visit: http://www.­hur-lang-how-corporate-governance-has-af­fected-asias-real-estate-market-capitala­nd-video For more interviews from Corporate Governance Report go to